2 Years Later: SZA – ‘Ctrl’

sza ctrl
Photo Cred: Sage

Two years later. This album is still in rotation.

It’s been two years since SZA released her debut album Ctrl, to the masses. I reviewed Ctrl previously when it was released but I just feel compelled to add to what I have said before. To illustrate the feelings Ctrl gave and still gives me would be difficult to do, but I think I’m going to try. Ctrl, to me, is one of the best debut albums to come out in the past… ever. Allow me to explain.

SZA had a big buzz leading up to her debut album and expectations were high. She had a hit single with “Love Galore” featuring Travis Scott and it just seemed as though the rollout for the album was flawless. Ctrl had an impact that a debut album hasn’t had in quite some time. The album made it to number THREE on the Billboard 200. I’m not speaking on albums in general, I’m saying for a debut album, Ctrl is very strong. Let’s go down the track list.

We start off with “Supermodel”. That is such a powerful way to begin an album. The first song of an album doesn’t necessarily indicate whether it will be good or bad but, she was off to a good start. “I could be your supermodel if you believe, if you see it in me, see it in me…” So relatable. SZA has also mentioned before that “Supermodel” is her favorite from the album. Next we have “Love Galore”. With the assistance of Travis Scott, this song became one of the biggest songs leading up to the summer. I loved this song the moment that I heard it and I still do. It’s one of those you haven’t listened to in awhile but when you do, you can’t skip it. It was a HIT. 

Fast forward to “The Weekend”. When Ctrl was released, I remember “The Weekend” generating a lot of buzz because of the subject matter. While the topic was interesting, I just enjoyed the song because of the music. I love how the beat reminds me of outer space plus the outdoors… then the beat drops. Incredible. “Go Gina” is next and I believe this song is top 3. This song to me is just so good because it just feels so real. It feels and sounds like she wrote this song so easily, like it just came to her. “Probably came from my inner circle, usually come from your inner circle, or lack there of and I don’t know who I can trust…”, GOLD. I just really enjoy the song and I enjoy the performance of this song she did while in the woods.

I want to talk about “Broken Clocks” briefly. It says a lot about an artist if they continue to have success on the radio. SZA had two songs that quickly made the transition to the radio, one being “Love Galore” and then “Broken Clocks”. This song was another hit under SZA’s belt that people loved almost instantly, it had an anthem feel to it and everyone could relate. Last but for sure not least that I want to talk about, “Normal Girl”. This song is so strong. So many girls, including myself, can relate to this song so hard. SZA is saying it’s okay to not be the typical girl that everybody is trying to be. I just love this song so much and I really appreciate SZA for this one. It’s how she sings it, the lyrics, the beat… a flawless song.

SZA does not get enough credit in my opinion. Granted, sometimes it feels like Twitter is the only world and that the Twitter opinion is the only opinion and that is so far from the truth. SZA has a very big fan base and is adored by many, but I still think she deserves better. SZA has a star quality about her and it seems like just about any song she gets on, she makes better. I am anticipating her next album, whenever that is because I know it will be great. Ctrl is still in rotation for me, as well as many other I’m sure. She should be proud so proud of this album, it was a huge success and will be played for forever.

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